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June - 2007
How YOU Can Proactively Influence the Future of Nuclear Medicine Payment Policy

SNM Radiopharmaceutical Acquisition Cost Survey Coming Soon!

Your help is needed to assure that innovative molecular imaging and therapy procedures will be available to all patients now and in the years ahead.

The future of nuclear medicine is in jeopardy from inadequate reimbursement for higher priced, newer, more complex radiopharmaceuticals. The survey objective is to better understand the actual acquisition cost of all radiopharmaceuticals in the office, independent diagnostic testing facilities (IDTF) and hospital settings, under all circumstances—ranging from purchasing a single unit dose for a patient from a central nuclear pharmacy to manufacturing the radiopharmaceutical "in-house," such as vial preparation or cyclotron production and manufacturing of radiopharmaceuticals on site. The results of this survey will be essential to the formulation of SNM's responses to the 2008 CMS proposed and final rules.

It is imperative that as many appropriate people as possible complete the survey. The SNM has created an online database where individuals can enter their contact info in order to be reached to complete the survey when it is available.

The SNM is asking that all of you encourage your colleagues and other knowledgeable individuals to complete the radiopharmaceutical survey. The more robust the data that is obtained will ensure a credible analysis. The online contact info database can be found online at

All persons who provide their contact info will automatically be entered in a drawing to win an 80-GB video iPod.

All persons who complete the radiopharmaceutical survey will automatically be entered in a drawing to win registration to the 2008 SNM Annual Meeting and second drawing for a registration to one of 3 SNM 2008 Coding Seminars and the 2008 coding workbook materials.

SNM and AMA Conducting Physician Practice Information Survey

For the first time in nearly a decade, SNM, the American Medical Association (AMA), and more than 70 other medical specialty societies, have worked together to coordinate a comprehensive multi-specialty survey of America's physician practices during 2007.  The purpose of the survey is to collect up-to-date information on physician practice characteristics in order to positively influence national decision makers while further developing and refining AMA and SNM policy.  Thousands of practices will be surveyed from virtually all physician specialties to ensure accurate and fair representation for all physicians and their patients.

The unique aspect of the project is that it explores both the clinical and business side of medical practice.  The reason for this is that it is important for the nation's policy-makers to learn what is truly involved in running a practice that can provide patients with expert care but is able to do so in a sustainable way.  A complete understanding of the landscape and the requirements for today's care is critical.  The data obtained will be an important source of information for the AMA and SNM.  It will represent practice concerns to national policy-makers that will lead to policy initiatives that not only help in the short-term but will allow future generations of doctors to continue providing superior care to their patients.

The Gallup Organization has been retained to conduct the PPI survey among a representative sample of practices in each of the participating specialties.  The Physician Practice Information survey is an important and necessary vehicle for positive change. Please watch for this survey in the coming weeks and do your part in completing it in a thorough and accurate manner if randomly selected to represent our specialty. 


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